Mouth &throat spray 60 l with applicator helps in mouth ,throat and gum inflammation
Tegacoolhelps in fast relive of throat pain during common cold and influenza
Tegacooldecrease the possibilityof virusinfection through changing the mouth and throat media due to disinfectant character of Tegacool active ingredient
Tegacoolact as mouth freshenerand prevent unpleasant odor
Tegacoolis a natural product with no significantside effect
Mouth &throat spray 60 l with applicator helps in mouth ,throat and gum inflammation
Tegacoolhelps in fast relive of throat pain during common cold and influenza
Tegacooldecrease the possibilityof virusinfection through changing the mouth and throat media due to disinfectant character of Tegacool active ingredient
Tegacoolact as mouth freshenerand prevent unpleasant odor
Tegacoolis a natural product with no significantside effect