Product Description:
Aluminum walking stick handy caped.
How to use:
- Adjust your crutches properly. Have a friend or family member help you for this step.
- Wear the shoes you plan to wear for most of your recovery and stand normally.
- To adjust the overall crutch height, flex your elbow so the crease of your wrist is level with your hips at a thirty degree angle.
- Measure from the largest part of your forearm to the floor, and adjust your crutch accordingly. The handle of the crutch should be level with your wrist.
- Put the crutch on so the open end of the cuff faces away from your body. Position the cuff one to two inches below your elbow, around the thickest part of your forearm.
- Grip the handles firmly.
Place the crutch tips one step in front of you while standing on your uninjured foot.
Let your forearms and crutches take your weight as you swing your body forward.
- Always keep your injured foot raised.
- Lift your uninjured foot and swing forward, carefully maintaining balance on the crutches.
- Place your foot one step ahead of the crutches and let your body's weight carry through.
- Repeat With practice you will develop a smooth and even gait that allows you to move quickly in spite of your injury.
- You can also consult with a physical therapist for alternative gaits and rhythms.