
Collajoy Collagen 30 Blueberry Drinkable Vial

426.56 AED
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Collajoy Collagen 30 Blueberry Drinkable Vial
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About Product

Product Description:
  • Collajoy is a drink that works from the inside out to rebuild and strengthen the collagen matrix of the cartilages.
  • A nutritional supplement made from animal or fish materials, Collajoy is rich in amino acids that build joint cartilage and has anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Drinking Collajoy improves the quality of life, decreases joints pain, and improves joints flexibility and mobility. Individual results will vary but, with continued daily use, your joints health will continue to improve. 
  • Made from animal and fish materials
  • Rich in amino acids that build joint cartilage
  • Improves quality of life
  • Improves joints flexibility and mobility 
  • Drinking Collajoy also stimulates the body’s own natural collagen production. When the body senses collagen in the bloodstream, it stimulates the production of chondrocytes reinforcing the collagen matrix.
How to use:
  • Collajoy is suitable for both male and female adults who want to do the very best for their joints.
  • For best results, it is recommended that you drink one bottle each morning before breakfast.
  • Collajoy does not have to be stored in the fridge, but it tastes better chilled.
Caution & Warnings:
  • Increased intake of sugary ingredient sorbitol may cause diarrhoea to some people.
Nutritional Facts
Serving Size: 1 Vial

Servings Per Container: 30 Vials


Per 100 ml


893 KJ/211Kcal


0.2 g


14.9 g


43 g


0.57 g

Hydrolized Collagen(Type II)

10 gm/25 ml

Vitamin C

60 mg/25 ml

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