
Active Go Rubber Grip 2 Blades 14 pcs

35.00 AED
50.00 AED
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Active Go Rubber Grip 2 Blades 14 pcs
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About Product

Product Description:

Shaving is a significant part of every man’s dailyritual. It is no secret that a clean-shave makes you look more fresh,professional, and possibly even more attractive. But the shaving process canalso cause harm if it is not carefully done. Putting aside the general cuts onemight get, razors blade is notoriously known to cause rashes and bumps on theskin. They can also cause razor burns where your skin turns red and bumpyimmediately after the shave, making it irritable and itchy. Another commonissue is the spontaneous breakouts of acne, all of which stems from usingdull-edged and low-quality razors. With the Active Go Rubber Grip 2 Bladerazor, you can bid farewell to these problems!

Equipped with two blades, the Active Go Rubber Griprazor ensures a close and clean shave. By the virtue of this feature, you willno longer have to deal with the residual stubble or the struggle of having torepeat multiple strokes over one spot. This makes shaving easy, and the finishsmooth as silk. The razor is designed keeping in mind your comfort and is aimedat providing you with the best shaving experience.

· The Active GoRubber Grip razor has twin blades that shave twice with every stoke. This helpseliminate repeated strokes, prevents irritation, and gives you a faster andcleaner shave

· It comes with along rubber handle attached to the blade, allowing you to have a stronger gripand add to the comfort of an easy shave

· The razor alsohas a pivoting head which ensures every nook and corner is accessible withouthaving to hold your razor in an awkward and uncomfortable position, thus makingit a perfect and thorough shave

· The razor headhas been fitted with a lubricating strip containing aloe vera and Vitamin E,giving you a soothing and refreshing effect immediately after the blade goesover your skin. The Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant which helps improve yourskin health and cell regeneration, while the aloe vera avoids skin inflammationand assist in treating razor burns, acne, and dryness on your skin

How to use:

· Before using therazor wet your skin and facial hair with warm water. This helps open up poresand cleanses your skin of excess oils that might cause hindrance to the shavingprocess

· Apply the shavingcream or gel

· Shave in the direction of the hair growth to avoid bumps and razor burns

· Rinse after everystroke to ensure a safe and clean shave

Caution & Warnings:

· Store the razorin a dry area

· Periodicallyclean/ change the razor head after 7-10 shaves to avoid infection

· Use the razorcarefully and do not change grip mid-stroke as that might cause you to cutyourself

· Always putshaving cream before using the razor

· Keep away fromchildren

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